703 College St
43.655012, -79.418007
1. The place where something happens, especially an organized event such as a concert, conference, or sports event.
2. The process of inner awakening, rising of the consciousness beyond the ordinary, everyday existence, and awakening to some Universal truths.
3. Knowledge or perception of a situation or fact.
4. A talk, especially an informal one, between two or more people, in which news and ideas are exchanged.
5. The action of traveling in or through an unfamiliar area in order to learn about it.
Givenn Roomm ︎︎︎
A place to connect – A studio housing specificly curated and ever expanding energies in the heart of Little Italy, Toronto. Inside you’ll find thriving plant life (of utmost importance), various piles of books, pictures and collected artifacts, intentionally placed crystals (c/o ROSE AURA +), natural bar soaps and accompanying aroma (c/o SSSOAPS) and a small sound system playing selected audio for the keep and those entering.
A regular host to:
SSSOAPS local pickups & fulfillment – Thursday & Friday 3-7pm*
ROSE AURA Readings – By Appointment (book yours)
*unless otherwise stated ︎

Givenn Roomm occasionally hosts small events and gatherings. There is a bench out front that you are welcome to sit on at any time. The birds like to visit, especially if you have seeds to give them! College street is a special place and for a long time has hosted us in the projects that we’ve taken on. We’ve been able to grow, explore and reflect on the many energies and experiences of life and for that we are so enormously grateful. We hope to continue to expand upon this energy with love and intention! Join us in this journey of actualization & be present in your community(s). Thank you for visiting this space, you are wonderful and greatly appreciated. ︎